Our Annual Day Celebrated on 27 February 2016 in our school premises. Dr.M.G.S Narayanan inaugurated the function. Cine artist Mr.Lalu Alex was our special Guest. Our Chairman,Adv.Praveen Kumar done the presidential address. Mr.Soman.A.P,Our Principal extended the Welcome address. Mrs.Susmitha Kurup presented the Annual report. Our founder Trustee & Chairman,(PECT) Dr Peeyush Nambuthiripad did the key note address. Dr.P.P Pramod Kumar,(General Secretary PECT),Mr Pradeep (School Secretary) , Mr Sumesh (Director),Adv.Rajesh,(Legal Advisor),Mr.Umesh,(PTA President),Mr.Pramod ,(Staff Secertary)were extended the Felicitation. Vote of thanks was done by our School leader Kumari Anaina Ravi.Oue students presented various cultural programms and the function was over at 11.30PM.